Wednesday, October 19, 2011


"Petey, how many feet are in a mile? How many feet are in a mile? 5,280 feet! You pick this ball up and run every one of 'em!" - Coach Boone, Remember the Titans

Tonight was a big night. It was strategy night. After formation concluded, the squads split off into an intensive period of planning in which each group devised what they believed to be the perfect play. Our purpose? To defeat the mighty, the indomitable, and the ferocious interior battalion unit on October 29th at the annual tailgate touch football game. After much deliberation, the senior leadership team knew there was a standout play. In the end, the play code named Shoelace took the prize. What it is, well, you'll just have to wait and see. But let me tell you this. It's good. Very good. The interior will quake at the sound of it. Or maybe not. But they should.

Anyway. After our strategy and demonstration segment we moved onto a wild and vicious game of knuckleball. Let me give you one word to describe it. Chaos. Or maybe... pain. Paos? Chain? Whatever it may be, it was enjoyable. Squad vs. Squad and Man vs. Man, it was every person for himself. In the end, after our final championship round, Austin Schwartz arose the victor. Congrats.

After knuckleball, things took a turn for the gruesome. Vince Ford came to talk to us about how to prevent and/or survive wild animal attacks and other traumatic injuries while out in the woods. He covered everything from severed limbs to gaping chest wounds, filled us in on all the different pressure points for cutting off the flow of blood to different areas, and how to properly apply pressure and bandage various sizes and types of injuries.

After Vince's talk we had council ring, where we talked about King Saul and how he disobeyed God's commands because his heart was wrong, and how we can learn from this today and live with hearts dedicated to honouring and serving the Lord Jesus Christ and following His design for our lives, not our own. In closing, here's a verse to meditate on this week.

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." - Philippians 4:8

1 comment:

  1. All that strategy planning and you didn't even come out to play??
